Tuesday, 10 September 2013

Book Pet Peeves

I love books and reading during any spare minute I get (I often end up falling asleep at 4 am because of a good book.) But there are a number of things that authors/publisher/readers do that makes me mad! 

The thing that annoys me the most about books are cover changes in the middle of trilogies or series. Believe me, I am not the only person who hates this, all the people I know can not stand having different styles of covers in one series or trilogy. When I buy books that are in a series and put them on my shelf, i expect to have uniform and similar covers that follow the same style for each cover. Otherwise, I look at my bookshelf and cringe seeing the different styles of covers.

Stickers. I think that should be enough of an explanation but to elaborate, stickers that are printed onto that covers advertising a movie or something. They will never come off. All I want to do is shout "IS MY BOOK WORTH RUINING FOR A STUPID STICKER WHICH WILL NEVER COME OFF?" Stickers that peel off and leave nothing on the book are fine, but then you get those ones that start peeling off and just rip. You end up with half the sticker off and that rest is on there forever. 

Also, when people fold over the corner of a page instead of using a bookmark. I just cant stand it, it ruins the books and the pages. That is why bookmarks were invented and are so popular. So you don't have to fold the corner of a page and ruin a perfectly good book. Enough said.

Lastly,and for me, most importantly, people who fold back the spine of paper backs. The books become reshaped and look odd and not even and uniform (you might be starting to get an idea that I'm a bit OCD about bookshelves being uniform and even.) That's why I hate loaning books to people, practically all the books I get back have their spines bent (or are ruined in some other way.) The worst thing is that I used to do this myself, and my Hunger Games trilogy is horribly misshapen and I can;t stand to look at it.

So those are my pet peeves when it comes to books. I would love to hear from you guys about what you think. 

Speak to you soon, Babs

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